The Siliguri Corridor, also known as the Chicken’s Neck, is a narrow stretch of land located in the Indian state of West Bengal. It is a strategic corridor that connects mainland India with the northeastern states. The corridor is approximately 22 kilometers wide at its narrowest point and extends for about 200 kilometers in length. It is bordered by Nepal and Bangladesh on either side.

Here are some key points about the Siliguri Corridor:

  1. Geographical Significance: The Siliguri Corridor holds immense geographical significance as it is the only land route that connects the northeastern states of India with the rest of the country. The corridor acts as a vital lifeline for transportation, trade, and communication between mainland India and the northeastern region.
  2. Strategic Importance: Due to its geographical location, the Siliguri Corridor has great strategic importance. It is a vulnerable area that is surrounded by neighboring countries, making it crucial for India’s security and defense. Any disruption in this corridor could have severe implications on the connectivity and logistics of the northeastern states.
  3. Economic Significance: The corridor serves as a major economic hub, facilitating trade and commerce between India, Nepal, Bangladesh, and the northeastern states. It is an important transit point for various goods, including agricultural produce, petroleum products, and other essential commodities.
  4. Connectivity: The Siliguri Corridor plays a crucial role in maintaining connectivity within the northeastern states and the rest of India. It serves as a gateway for road and rail networks that link major cities such as Kolkata, Guwahati, and Darjeeling with the northeastern region.
  5. Infrastructure Development: Over the years, significant infrastructure development has taken place in the Siliguri Corridor to improve connectivity and trade. This includes the construction of highways, railway lines, and the development of inland waterways.
  6. Ecological Significance: The corridor is located in the foothills of the Himalayas and encompasses diverse ecosystems. It is home to several wildlife sanctuaries and national parks, including the Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary and the Jaldapara National Park. These areas are known for their rich biodiversity and serve as habitats for numerous species of flora and fauna.
  7. Tourism: The Siliguri Corridor and its surrounding regions attract tourists due to their natural beauty, tea gardens, and proximity to popular destinations like Darjeeling, Kalimpong, and Gangtok. It offers opportunities for adventure activities, wildlife safaris, and exploration of the Himalayan landscapes.
  8. Border Trade: The corridor facilitates cross-border trade with neighboring countries. There are established border points like the Fulbari (India-Nepal) and Changrabandha (India-Bangladesh) checkpoints that enable trade and movement of goods between these nations.

Dokalam Crises: China claimed Dokalamas China’s part for keep an eye on Siligudi Coridor of India

China always wanted finds the chance to control the region as it is very significant for India’s national security concern. Result of that China had tried to control Dokalam region of Nepal. Dokalam is the high point and from the region China wanted to keep an eye on the Siligudi Coridor. Dokalam is only 30 Km far from Siligudi Coridor. The Doklam crisis refers to a tense military standoff that occurred between India, China, and Bhutan in the summer of 2017. The crisis originated from a territorial dispute between China and Bhutan over the Doklam plateau, a strategically significant region claimed by both Bhutan and China. India became involved in the standoff due to its close ties with Bhutan and concerns over the potential impact on its own security interests.

India Intervene in response to Bhutan’s request, Indian troops crossed into Doklam to prevent the Chinese construction activity. India argued that any change in the status quo in the disputed area would have security implications for India, particularly concerning the Siliguri Corridor, which connects mainland India with its northeastern states.

After over two months of standoff, an agreement was reached between India and China in August 2017. Both sides agreed to simultaneously withdraw their troops from the Doklam area. The agreement helped ease tensions and prevented any further escalation of the crisis.

Connectivity Solutions: Discussing measures to enhance connectivity within the Siliguri Corridor

India finds Siligudi Coridor very vital to connect eastern states with mainland India. But only depending on the same way is not gone a helpful in th time of war like situation. More options to connect eastern states with mainland India are as follows:

  1. Road Network Development: The construction and upgrading of road networks play a crucial role in connecting the eastern states with mainland India. Several projects are underway, such as the expansion of national highways, development of expressways, and the construction of new road corridors. For example, the East-West Corridor project aims to connect Silchar in Assam with Porbandar in Gujarat, passing through several eastern states.
  2. Railways: The Indian Railways is actively working on improving rail connectivity to the eastern states. The construction of new railway lines, doubling of existing lines, and electrification projects are being undertaken. Additionally, dedicated freight corridors, such as the Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor, are being developed to facilitate efficient transportation of goods.
  3. Air Connectivity: Enhancing air connectivity is vital for faster and more convenient travel. New airports are being constructed, existing airports are being upgraded, and new air routes are being established. This allows for increased passenger and cargo traffic between the eastern states and the rest of India.
  4. Inland Waterways: The development of inland waterways is gaining attention as an alternative mode of transportation. The National Waterway-1 (Ganga-Bhagirathi-Hooghly river system) and National Waterway-2 (Brahmaputra River) projects are focused on developing navigable waterways, which can significantly improve connectivity for transporting goods and people.

Indian Mainland connects with eastern states through Bangladesh and Myanmar by making highways and railways. India is working on Kaladam project. Way is through Bay of Bengal and Myanmar.


 Siligudi Coridor is very significant for the National security of India. But Government of India has already found the other options of connectivity with Eastern states. Given its strategic, economic, and ecological significance, the Siliguri Corridor holds a crucial position in India’s regional connectivity and security. Efforts are continuously being made to further develop and strengthen the infrastructure in this region to ensure smooth trade, transportation, and communication between the northeastern states and the rest of India.

By Renu

At the core of my being, I have a deep passion for exploring knowledge and expanding my horizons. This innate curiosity has led me to engage in various hobbies and interests. Whether it's delving into the realms of literature, acquiring new skills, tending to my garden, or expressing my thoughts through content writing, I find joy and fulfaillment in these endeavors. Read more on about page.

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