Manipur is a state in India. It has a diverse population. It is located in the north east direction. Manipur is share the border with China and Myanmar. Since February 2023, Manipur has experienced a surge in violence and conflict. The reasons for this escalation are complex, involving historical grievances, social tensions, and political issues.
The situation in Manipur involves serious violence, with people being lynched and native people’s houses being burned. In the current situation, the military and para-military forces have been deployed in Manipur. However, there is a lack of cooperation from the native people towards these forces.
The reasons behind this violence are complex and multi-faceted. Let’s discuss reasons in detail:
- Naga and Kuki tribe people can purchase land in the Valley area but Meiteis people could not purchase land in the hilly land of Manipur as per the rule made by Indian Government under the situation.
- In the present situation, the state of Manipur has a population where the Naga and Kuki tribes constitute around 35% of the total population. They primarily reside in the hilly areas, which make up approximately 90% of Manipur’s land area. On the other hand, the Meitei community comprises around 65% of the population and predominantly lives in the valley area, which accounts for only about 10% of Manipur’s land area.
- Meiteis, the majority community in Manipur, have raised concerns about illegal migration from Myanmar and Bangladesh, which they believe has led to the occupation of their land. This issue has created tensions and disputes among different communities in the state.
- The Meiteis argue that the influx of migrants from neighboring countries has resulted in encroachment on their land, limited access to resources, and changes in the demographic composition of Manipur. They feel that their cultural identity and traditional way of life are being threatened by this perceived land occupation. For the purpose of security and safeguarding there identity and culture, status of scheduled tribes should have been given. So that they can purchase land in the hilly areas also. As per Naga and Kuki’s the demand of Meiteis is not tenable. As per opinion of Naga and Kuki the political and economic participation of Meiteis is more than them. If they got the schedule tribe status then job opportunities of Naga and Kuki will decline rapidly. Therefore the status should not give to the Meiteis.
- In the February 2023, government of Manipur had taken the decision to reserve the forest of Manipur. Due to reservation of forest program village of Churachandpur district had been dislocated without previous warning. Kuki People Alliance, partner of BJP government alliance also criticized the decision of government. Tribes believe that government has taken the decision against our welfare. Therefore, Tribes started peaceful protesting against the government decision. On the response of the protest government replied that the protest by tribal people is unconstitutional. Revenue and forest department had conducted survey in the Manipur, the village was also included. On the other side government argues that tribal people use the forest land for their drug business.
- In a recent incident, a tribal leader in Manipur organized a shutdown movement for eight hours. Prior to the shutdown, the Chief Minister of Manipur attended a gym inauguration and planned to address a rally. However, when protesters attempted to enter the event, the police intervened, leading to conflicts. As a result, mobile services were suspended for five days. This situation frustrated the local people of Churachandpur.
History of Manipur
- Historically, Manipur was ruled by various kingdoms, with the Meiteis holding significant power in the valley area. However, during the 19th century, Burma invaded Manipur, leading to a period of foreign rule. Eventually, Manipur became a princely state under British colonial influence before it merged with India in 1949. The geographical division between the valley area and the hilly area, along with the diverse tribal communities residing in each region, adds to the cultural richness and diversity of Manipur.
- Under British colonial rule, the policy of “divide and rule” was implemented in Manipur, as it was in other parts of India. The British government strategically created divisions among different communities to maintain control and prevent unity among the people.
- In Manipur, the British established a political structure that favored the Meitei community over other tribal groups. They provided more opportunities and privileges to the Meiteis in terms of governance and administration. This preferential treatment created tensions and a sense of discrimination among the different communities that had previously coexisted harmoniously.
- Another significant policy introduced by the British was the land settlement policy. The purpose of this policy was to allocate land among the various communities. However, the allocation of land was done in a manner that favored the Meiteis, resulting in fertile lands being allocated to them while the Naga and Kuki tribes received less fertile or unfertile lands.
- This uneven distribution of land resources further deepened the conflict between the Meiteis and the Naga and Kuki tribes. The tribal communities felt marginalized and disadvantaged, as they were deprived of fertile land, which impacted their agricultural practices and livelihoods.
- The British policies of preferential treatment and unequal land distribution fueled animosity and resentment between the communities, leading to increased conflicts and tensions. These divisions created during the colonial era have had lasting effects on the socio-political landscape of Manipur, even after gaining independence from British rule.
- It is important to recognize the impact of these policies and historical grievances in understanding the complexities and dynamics of inter-community relationships in Manipur today.
- Regenerate response, After the Independence of India, government had restricted Meiteis people to owned land in the hilly area which is 90% part of the Manipur. Government also finished the status of scheduled tribes of Meiteis which were previously enjoyed by the Meiteis people.
Solution of the problem:
To address the violence and build confidence among citizens in Manipur, the government can take several measures to promote interdependence and create a sense of unity among different communities. Here are some detailed steps that can be taken:
Inclusive Governance: The government should ensure that all communities have fair representation in decision-making bodies. This can be done by promoting diverse participation in local governance, administrative bodies, and political institutions. Inclusive policies and measures should be implemented to address the concerns and aspirations of all communities.
Economic Development and Equal Opportunities: Promoting economic development in all areas of Manipur, especially in the hilly regions, can reduce disparities and enhance interdependence among communities. The government should focus on providing equal access to education, healthcare, infrastructure, and employment opportunities across the state.
By implementing these measures, the government can promote interdependence, build confidence among citizens, and foster a peaceful and inclusive society in Manipur.
Addressing the violence in Manipur will require comprehensive efforts from all stakeholders, including the government, community leaders, and civil society. Promoting dialogue, understanding, and inclusivity, along with addressing socio-economic disparities, are crucial steps toward resolving the underlying issues and building a more peaceful and harmonious society.
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