Recently PM Modi went to Lakshadweep, from then Lakshadweep is trending in social media. Why PM Modi went to Lakshadweep it is the question. It is not the random meet or visit. It is well planned visit of PM Modi.
Lakshadweep is the India’s Island. It is the union territory of India. Lakshadweep is the beautiful island therefore; it has potential to become the best tourist place of India. As per the recent news Maldives is becoming anti India. Maldivians are spreading anti India stance in the Maldives. India go back posters are seen in Maldives. The hates against India is widely spreading and government of Maldives also supports to the people. New Government of Maldives has assured that they will kick off to the Indian Military out of the Maldives.
Maldives was the one of the friendly country of India, now hates India but why? Maldives is the country which is located in the north central Indian Ocean, southwest of Shri Lanka and India. Maldives and India relations have long history.
Understand friends Maldives was the friend of India and India had trained Maldivians military, democracy, economy etc. For that purpose military of India is present in the Maldives. Still they are not pro India now.
Indian tourists visit to Maldives for holidays. In 2021 around 2.91 lakhs Indian tourist visited Maldives and in 2022 around 2.41 lakhs Indian tourist visited Maldives. As per the reports Indian tourist dominates Maldives hospitality and tourism industry. It contributes very much in GDP. Maldives GDP flourishes due to Indian tourist.

PM Modi wanted to replace Maldives. He visited to Lakshadweep for promoting tourism in Lakshadweep. Increase in tourism will contributes in the Indian economy. If Indian tourist visits Lakshadweep it will result into improvement in infrastructure.
Lakshadweep is the natural location without too much of human intervention. It will going to the best destination for experiencing peace in the natural climate.

As Indians we should choose Lakshadweep over Maldives for tourism. Our national benefit is much more valuable and important than our enjoyment. We are the largest tourism community of world and every country wanted to attract Indian tourism in their country. Indian tourist has power to change any scenario.

If we look after the history of relations of India and Maldives we can see that in the past there were so friendly relations of India with Maldives. India helps Maldives in different ways:
- In 1988 president Maumoon Abdul Gayub was there and at that time the prominent and wealthy businessman Abdullah Luthufi wanted to replace President Gayub and take over the country. For that purpose he called mercenaries from Shri Lanka. The coup of Luthufi failed in year 1980 and 1983. But in 1988 the coup was successful and he controlled Maldives. At that time president Gayub asked the help to several countries such as USA, England, Shri Lanka etc. but no country was ready to help Maldives. That time India helped to Maldives after the request of President Gayub. Indian Paramilitary went to India and reestablished the Maldives government and democracy again. That was the first helped of India to Maldives.
- In 2018, India gave $1.4 billion aid to the socio – economic development of Maldives. This amount was the 25% of total Maldives GDP (6.1 billion).
- Maldives 28% GDP and 60% foreign reserves come from tourism and hospitality industry. Indian tourist dominates these sectors of Maldives since 2020.
- In 2020 India gave $100 million aid for saving Maldives economy after Pandemic. During pandemic India supplied medicines and covid vaccines to Maldives.
- India used to give aid on humanitarian ground. In 2014 India conducted operation Neer to supply drinking water when Maldives desalination plant was set on fire. There was a tsunami in 2004 at Maldives at that time also India helped Maldives by providing food and fresh drinking water.
- Recently India announced to construct 100 bedded cancer hospital and 22000 seaters cricket stadium in Maldives.
In summary for our national interest Indian tourist should choose India’s beautiful Island rather than Maldives. Tourism helps to improve economy of the country. It contributes in the GDP.
PM Modi visited Lakshadweep! But why
Very informative and interesting .
Thanks…keep reading and keep learning